Saturday, June 21, 2014

Five Months

My sweet baby boy is 5 months old today, and it’s hitting me hard. Isn’t 6 months supposed to be the big, emotional one? 6 months is half of a year, but there is something that strikes me about 5 months as well. It feels like the transition from little baby to big baby. At 4 months he was still practically a newborn, right? And now, he’s 5 months, which is almost 6 months, and everyone knows that 6 months is almost 12 months, and 12 months is almost 12 years, and basically my point here is that he will be grown up before I know it. But I shouldn’t be getting ahead of myself. For now, he is just 5 months, and that’s still pretty little.

At 5 months old, Win is friendly, social, and smiley. He loves to play with toys, anything soft that he can chew on and smash into his face. And don’t you dare take his toys away, because he will cry so hard and bitterly until he has them back in his little fists. He isn’t sitting up unassisted yet, but he started sitting up the second I strapped him into his bouncy seat, so we had to switch it out for this floor seat that allows him to be upright. He has rolled over once, but isn't doing that consistently yet. He loves bouncing in his jumperoo and his happy in there for long stretches of time (seriously, yesterday he hung out in it with a huge smile on his face for 45 minutes, which is basically forever in baby time). He is very cuddly and hugable and always laughs when you kiss his neck. I’m so glad he is mine.

Tomorrow Win takes his second flight. We'll be in Phoenix for the week. We're looking forward to seeing all of our friends and family!

Here are some photos from the last few weeks (his 4 month photos were taken on the same day I usually do his weekly photos, so I counted those as his 17 week photos too):

18 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks

21 weeks